Friday, October 12

Reading the emails and blogs...

Reading the sms, emails and blogs that flying here and there...
The memories travelled to old days, 2nd July 1994 the day i took a flight from Kuching to KL.

Remember the first day i met DJ1 in a small classroom, where one by one went up stage to do self introduction.

And obviously, all that showing up in here so far, we don't seem to change much. The way we chatted and teased and being together...

The feeling inside is bit complicated, it's like so old and so new, so sweet and so sour, so far and so close...

Anyway, i must say, my honour to have you all, participated in my life. Thank you, with love.


peynee said...


Sin Yee said...

really touching lah, Peynee, not geli pun. haha....

HS said...

Ms. Chen always so 感性 one lah... just that she always hide herself up.
You are just like what you wrote: so far, and so close...

chuan said...

Hmmm ... I still remember my first get-to-know-each-other class with you all.

It was nearing the end of the 1994 World Cup, and when I introduced myself and my interest in football, YokeNai (I think) asked me which team I support? I replied BRAZIL.

Whoa - time sure flies.