Friday, October 19

**STAR** of DJ1 Gathering

After a few days of observation and discussion, the STAR of DJ1 Gathering is out : Ms. Teo Chew Hua!!!! *Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Please refer to the message which the group photo was enclosed. Click on comment and scroll down, you will find 翠花 翠花 and 翠花.... Ladies are so surprised to see our course rep becomes such a 苗條 leng lui!!!

In addition, MSN chat also contains countless dialogues among Jan Wei, Pey Nee, Hoong Suey, Siew Jung about how 翠花 slim down... From a very reliable source of information - Jan Wei, 翠花 takes lemonade every morning before breakfast! Girls, try it out!!!

Chuan: Sorry lah, since most of DJ1 members are gals, must be tons of girls talk here loh...

Siew Jung: I read your MSN message : "Write something new in the blog.." Hope this topic is good enough. I know you are so happy to see and talk to DJ1 friends here, but you have to open your heart and talk more to us too. Dont hide yourself. 為什麼要把自己的感受藏起來?要珍惜我們的友情啊。

Lee Koon: Oops, sorry about the traditional Chinese. Taiwan uses traditional Chinese and I got use to it. I will try to shift to simplified characters next time when I type here. I have been here for 7+ years liao, although I am still a very loyal Malaysian passport holder, feel more adapted to everything here.
I used to go back to Malaysia once every 6 months for the first five years. Then, after having 諺愉,went back twice, once a year. Not much chances to meet up old friends due to 諺愉, hope there will be more chances when she grows up later.


六月再生纸 said...



elainetan said...





chuan said...

for The Star Cui-Hua:


Aku teh ais manis,
dia lemonade sahaja.

Aku gemuk gedempul,
dia slim-slim cantik-nya.

: )