Thursday, May 15

大爆料!New Wedding Couple Photo Disclosed!!!

First of all...

I would like to convey my apology to our Bride Brenda Lee李晶晶, because I uploaded her picture without asking her permissions.

But, I cant's stop myself to share such a nice photo of her & her future husband to all DJ1 friends.

So, I am sorry Brenda!!!

Well, Brenda going to have her wedding lunch at JB on 07/06/2008. I am not sure about the venue, as I have not receive her invitation card yet.

For those who work & stay in JB, I would like to suggest u guys give a call to Brenda (012-3450916), or may be attend her wedding lunch, so that we could have a small gathering for southern zone.

So, Let's wish her a Happy , Merry 幸福 life ever after....


chuan said...

6月7日 - 晶晶嘉日。
6月15日 - Mr.Lee生日。
6月17日 - 我生日 : )

Sin Yee said...

huh? What a coincidence yeah~
So.........wishing our newly couple to have a great after-married life; a very happy birthday to our beloved Mr Lee and brother Chuan, yoyo.... :P

chuan said...

here's a BIG YO! back at u, Sinyeegirl..

& THX : )